Get Out Of My Honeymoon!
Game info:
This is yet another top-down shooter arcade game with a weird twist, this time is that instead of dealing damage to the enemies, you knock them off the arena to defeat them instead. This game as originally made for the Touhou Pride Jam 5, it has been updated for the Hakudenkai touhou fangame showcase evert.
- left click to attack
- Seiran: hammer swing (melee)
- Ringo: hold to charge up the railgun and release to fire (range)
- Right click/ spacebar: dash, you are invincible during the dash but you are immediately vulnerable once it ends
- Press E nearby your wandering partner to kiss and swap characters.
Rules and Mechanics:
- Use your weapons to attack the enemies, all attacks can only knock them back not harm them. The only way to defeat the enemies is by pushing them off the arena.
- You can play as both Seiran and Ringo, but you can only control one at a time while the other wanders on the arena. stay near the partner character on the arena to kiss her and swap places. Seiran wields a hammer for melee attacks while Ringo wields a railgun for ranged attacks.
- Stay near the partner character on the arena to kiss her and swap places. There is a cooldown after kissing and each kiss can heal 1 HP.
- Slain enemies will drop hearts which will fill up the character inventory on the left of the screen. kissing will deposit all hearts from the character's inventory into the global inventory on the right. Deposit a total of 120 hearts to win the main game.
- Every enemy will charge up it's attacks before attacking, that's when they are blue and have an reaction popup over their head. hitting enemies while they are charging will result in a critical strike, instantly killing them and yield higher value hearts.
- Seiran is a fast paced melee fighter with shorter cooldown who wields a massive mochi hammer. she is reliable for knocking foes away on a fast and frequently, this allows her to easily manipulate the enemies position. but due to her short reach, her usefulness relies on getting close up and personal on enemies, which can prove to be risky at times. especially when performing strikes near enemies as they are about to attack. to combat this, Seiran's hammer can also remove enemy bullets that are caught in the attack. Utilizing your dash to quickly close gaps and evade attacks, while hitting enemies into the right direction is the key to play as Seiran.
- Ringo is a slow but precise shooter. her railgun can shoot down targets safely at any range, with a laser scope that can help her to precisely aim at high priority targets. but the railgun takes some time to charge up, a shot that is not properly charged is inaccurate thus less reliable. Due to her slow fire rate, she cannot easily manipulate the enemies position as much as seiran does. it's best to rely on critical strikes to defeat enemies, the shots can pierce through multiple enemies, making a well aimed shot at a line of enemies is a dominant strategy. Well timed shots at an ideal angle with proper positioning is the key to play as Ringo.
- Programmer, designer: Iced_Lemon
- Proggrammer: ChocolaMint
- Pixel artist: SlascoplerdSorasu, someguy009, tubulartoasts
- CG illustration: Addamelech
- Soundtrack: xenmexn, SlascoplerdSorasu
- SFX: SlascoplerdSorasu, various sources from freesound.org
- Translation: IceFairy
- Game Page: https://iced-lemon.itch.io/get-out-of-my-honeymoon
- More games from Iced_Lemon: https://iced-lemon.itch.io/
- Creator's Twitter for Contact: https://twitter.com/Iced_Lemon_Draw
- 左クリックで攻撃
- 青蘭: ハンマーを振る (近接)
- 鈴瑚: 押しぱなしでレールガンをチャージ、ボタン話したらレーザーを放つ (遠距離)
- 右クリック/ スペースバー: ダッシュ。ダッシュ中に無敵になるがダッシュが終わったらすぐにまたダメージ受けられる。
- [E] - 相手に近づけてEキーを押せば相手をキスして、自機が入れ替わる。
- 幸せな新婚旅行中の青蘭と鈴瑚は侵入軍に攻撃されちゃった!敵を倒すの手伝いましょう!
- 武器で敵を攻める。自分の攻撃は敵を追い払えるが、倒せない。敵を倒すには、アリーナから突き落とすしかない。
- 自機は青蘭と鈴瑚が同時に操作できない。操作されないキャラはアリーナをうろつく。相手のキャラに近づけキスしたら操作が入れ替わる。青蘭はハンマーで近接攻撃をする。鈴瑚はレールガンで遠距離攻撃をする。
- 相手のキャラに近づけキスしたら操作が入れ替わる。キスのクールダウンがあり、1回キスしたら1HP回復する。
- - 倒された敵はハートのアイテムをドロップして、画面の左側のカバンに入る。キスしたらすべてのハートが右側のインベントリーに入るハート120個集めたらゲームをクリアできる。
- 敵は攻撃する前にチャージする。チャージする時敵が青になって頭の上に印が現れるチャージ中の敵を攻撃したらクリティカルになり、即死して大量のハートをドロップする。
- 青蘭はクールダウンが短く、巨大な杵を装備して俊敏で近接攻撃タイプ。敵を素早く頻繁に打ち飛ばすのが優れて、敵の位置も簡単に変えられる。だが攻撃範囲が短く敵を近づけないといけない。攻撃をチャージする敵を近づけるのは危険なのでダンマクも杵で消せる。青蘭を操作するには、ダッシュで距離を縮めて攻撃回避しながら、敵を適切な方向に打ち飛ばすのは大事。
- 鈴瑚は移動がゆっくりが正確の高い遠距離攻撃タイプ。レールガンで敵をどんな距離からでも安全に攻撃できる。レーザースコープで危険な敵を簡単に狙えるがレールガンのチャージは時間かかる。チャージされないダンマクは不正確で敵に当たらない可能性が高い。発射速度が遅いので、青蘭より敵の位置を簡単に変えられない。クリティカルを狙うのをお勧め。レールガンは複数の敵を貫通できるので、敵の列を狙い撃ちするのは、大事な戦略。鈴瑚を操作するには、適切な位置から良い角度とタイミングでレールガンを打つのが大事
- プログラマー, デザイナー: Iced_Lemon
- プログラマー: ChocolaMint
- ット絵: SlascoplerdSorasu, someguy009, tubulartoasts
- CGイラスト: Addamelech
- BGM: SlascoplerdSorasu, xenmexn
- 音源: www.ourafilmes.com Audio Samples (Dr. Speaker Blower), www.musicradar.com, freesound.org (Various), cymatics.fm Odyssey Sample Pack
- SFX: SlascoplerdSorasu, 様々な freesound.org の効果音
- 翻訳: IceFairy
- 特設サイト: https://iced-lemon.itch.io/get-out-of-my-honeymoon
- Iced_Lemonが作ったゲーム: https://iced-lemon.itch.io/
- 製作者の連絡先: https://twitter.com/Iced_Lemon_Draw
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Great game!
Impeccably balanced. The mechanics just feel great.
This game is so much fun!!! Simple yet satisfying mechanics, great sprite work, fun enemies, and funky music too. AND it involves two moon rabbits kidding, so I have only positive things to say about this game. Good stuff