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Super fun!!! Immense design, every level is such a fun puzzle. Need more pronto, I adore it!

awesome game i love it

(2 edits)

I thought the title said "Balls of steel" 

This is a wonderful game!! I adore the movement, the combat system and the character are so unique! The only issue I take with it is the text - it's rather small, and quite crowded. It makes it difficult to scan through, since it's so wordy. I had to go into the game page controls to figure out how to throw knives!

But the game itself? Stunning and so incredibly satisfying to play!

This game is great so far. The only thing I would change is the music. It can play pretty inconsistently at times. Also, bosses would be a fantastic addition.

Super fun game and really interesting take on bullet hells. I really like the visual style as well, the palette is very pleasing and the animations are sooo smooth.

Really nice game, thank you for making it! Looking forward to your future development on it :)

Beat first try with 13 health. Pretty good game

great, but ez. wanna harder version

that's one way of solving zeno's paradox

great game!!!

too ez

is great tho

Great game, but it's quite easy right now. Maybe you could implement bullets that can't be parried?

Very interesting gameplay. Impressive pixel art. Very well executed. One issue I noticed is that sometimes I don't know if a bullet is gonna hit me or not, maybe try add some UI indicators to tell the direction and the distance a bullet can travel?

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