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A very interesting idea and a good implementation


A pretty neat game, though it felt a little awkward to play at first. The visuals were pretty nice, reminded me a lot of the work of Emlise( formerly faxdoc )


It's a neat and inventive mechanic, which seems like it would have room for plenty of interesting interactions and mastery in a full game. What's there so far is a fun prototype, but a little on the easy side. I mostly just used the knives to hurry through the boring parts at the end of each stage/wave where there's only one enemy and you're just waiting for it to fire. Having another way to speed through those last forgone-conclusion enemies would be good - there's no interesting decisions or challenging gameplay in those parts, because a single enemy (or two) is something you've already proved you can beat after the tutorial.

The game is very game and i enjoy it😁

This was so fun!! all the art is so cool and cute!!


I want part 2, where can I find it? This was a great game. Great fighting mechanics and thanks for the tip on the knives, however I would have also liked the control on how to throw knives, but that is just me being idiotic.


Thanks for playing! We're working on a remake of this game, stay tuned...

I will

Awesome game. Simple rules but fun and engaging gameplay. I give it an 8/10.

(1 edit)

This is so simple and fun! I love it.

FYI on mobile the text is indecipherable. It looks like blocks.

Had fun playing it, but it was a bit to easy. The first theme playing in the background wasnt fitting. Overall: Athestics are very nice and the game mechanic leaves endless possiblities in the future. If you combine this with some small puzzles while deflecting projectiles /integrate those with the puzzles, id love to play this in the future! Great job!


Tons of fun! Really great aesthetics and atmosphere. The music sets the mood well, and I loved the pixel art.

The gameplay is fun, not too hard, but just challenging enough to keep me thinking through the whole game. I didn't use knives too much as I played, but they definitely came in handy in the last couple of floors.

Great work!

This game is superb, great art, wonderful music, and good balance. Few nitpicks:
- The webgl build is a little broken for me and I cannot see health or how many knives I had
- I can't tell how big my parrying/hitbox is- sometimes I will try to go parry a bullet only to get hit instead
- I wish there was an enemy which fired like a billion bullets 
Aside from those, the game is great, I absolutely love lining up the bullets of like 4 enemies onto one square and taking them all out in one go, felt super satisfying
good game!


very good. tutorial was overly wordy but i like the concept and the art.
if this is a prototype i'm looking forward to an expanded version

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